I advise clients in all aspects of family law work, supporting clients across the Highlands and Islands.
I enjoy all aspects of my job but I have a particular interest in cases concerning the welfare of children which I feel is at the heart of what I do. I assist clients in relation to disputes concerning children’s residence or contact arrangements, the relocation of children, adoption, and other matters concerning a child’s welfare.
My starting point is to aim to resolve matters as amicably as possible without recourse to Court. This often proves to be more efficient and cost effective, and it also enables those involved to hold on to the decision making power. In some situations however this is not always possible, and with that I am an experienced litigator able to confidently represent clients in Court.
I assist clients with financial protections in the early stages of, or during, a relationship, including pre or post-nuptial agreements or cohabitation agreements. I also assist clients following the breakdown of a relationship, giving advice on financial provision on separation and divorce, the dissolution of a civil partnership, cohabitation claims and matters concerning the welfare of children.
My approach is to work collaboratively with clients and to get to know my clients in order to resolve matters in a way that suits each individual person. I understand that many clients will have little to no experience of family law so I take time to guide clients through the process ensuring understanding along the way. I am also trained and qualified in Collaborative Practice which allows me to assist clients going through a separation by way of this alternative method of dispute resolution. I find Collaboration a very effective way forward for clients. If you would like more information about Collaboration, do get in touch.
My clients are often experiencing a particularly challenging time of their lives. I am certified by the Law Society of Scotland as a Trauma Informed Lawyer, meaning I fully recognise the effects family law matters can have on those involved, and also those indirectly involved such as children. I do what I can to support clients through the process, and signpost clients towards other services that may be of benefit.
I am a Member of the Family Law Association (FLA) and I am also Treasurer to the Faculty of Solicitors of the Highlands.