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Legal insights & industry updates

The law never stands still, and the way it applies to you and your organisation is constantly evolving. Our people are on top of these developments and can keep you up to date with some of the most interesting aspects of these changes.

 Legal insights & industry updates


Succession (Scotland) Act begins to impact

Wills, trusts & estates

Bonds of caution dispensation extended

Divorce & separation

5 Key Points when dealing with Pensions on Divorce in Scotland


Could your housing allocations policies be discriminatory under the Equality Act 2010?

Intellectual property & technology

Digital trading – is your app or website compliant with consumer law?

Wills, trusts & estates

Do not resuscitate (DNR) and Advance Directives or “Living Wills” in Scotland

The risks of badging without honour, and flouting the flag

The history of asbestos in Scotland & the evolution of asbestos law

Procurement for the public sector

A new procurement landscape for Scotland - PCRs come into force

Top 5 ways to spend your garden leave that won’t put you in the dog house

Employment law

Can demotion for gross misconduct amount to unfair constructive dismissal?

Making a Will

Death and your Digital Footprint - creating a personal assets log

Your reputation precedes you – so how do you protect it?

Wills, trusts & estates

New rules on Succession in Scotland - how they will affect who inherits your estate

Employment law for employers

Supreme Court gives two decisions on employers’ vicarious liability

Corporate and M&A

Counterpart execution and electronic delivery in Scotland

Food & drink

What is a craft distiller and are they due a tax break?

Employment law for employers

An employers guide to ‘Working Time’ – who do you need to pay and when?

The big differences between divorce and separation in Scots law

Employment law for employers

Snow and Ice in the Workplace – The Pitfalls for Employers

Sport injury claims

Ski safety: know the risks and what to do if you have an accident on the piste

Food & drink

Consumer compensation for food businesses: from snails to frogs and the risk of a PR disaster

Power of attorney

Moving a relative in care between Scotland and England – the importance of Power of Attorney or Guardianship Orders

Agriculture, land & estates

Land registration: advance notices and letters of obligation


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