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Legal insights & industry updates

The law never stands still, and the way it applies to you and your organisation is constantly evolving. Our people are on top of these developments and can keep you up to date with some of the most interesting aspects of these changes.

 Legal insights & industry updates


Why employers need to take care when terminating employment

Family law

Client centred family law – a person centred approach to separation and divorce

Insurance & risk

Motor Insurers Bureau - new Untraced Drivers Agreements in force as of 1 March 2017

Commercial Real Estate

Do you know your SIPP from your SSAS?

Employment law for employers

Does gross negligence amount to gross misconduct? How an employee was successfully dismissed for 'doing nothing

Construction & engineering

Construction law update - reform of Third Party Rights in Scotland

Public sector

Remondis – court develops new principle for outsourcing without a public procurement process

Shared Care in Scotland - why the best interests of the child should remain paramount upon separation or divorce.

Wiping the slate clean? Must employers discount expired warnings during subsequent disciplinary proceedings?

Road traffic accidents

Cycling accident - duties of care owed to cyclist by car driver and importance of wearing a helmet

Family law

Contemplating separation or divorce - 9 things to consider

What can you do if you are the victim of domestic abuse?

Untraced Drivers' Agreements explained – legal position for car users and insurance

Work parties and personal injury - can employers be liable?

Tea Break test: why employers need to allow for rest breaks even if employees don't ask

Time and Tide wait for no man

Wills, trusts & estates

Crofting Law and Succession – how to administer an estate involving a Crofting Tenancy

Duty of local authorities to provide care for the elderly – how far does this duty extend?

Employment law for employers

Employment Tribunal Statistics Update – what do the new figures tell employers about claims and awards?

Employment law for employers

Is pay protection a reasonable adjustment under employment law?

Workers' rights – what's in a contract?

Restructuring & insolvency

Directors' personal liability for losses when company continues trading wrongfully

Gratuitous alienation: a diversion tactic?

Family law

How to safeguard your business interests on divorce


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