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Legal insights & industry updates

The law never stands still, and the way it applies to you and your organisation is constantly evolving. Our people are on top of these developments and can keep you up to date with some of the most interesting aspects of these changes.

 Legal insights & industry updates


Construction & engineering

If you build it … you better make sure you have copyright over the design

Employment law for employers

Suspend in haste; repent at leisure? The need for employers to justify suspension of employees

Commercial Real Estate

Site acquisitions for developments – how to ‘Speed the Legals’

A Licence to (trap and) Kill? Important court decision on the control of wild birds in Scotland

Divorce & separation

Dealing with pension interests on Divorce in Scotland - update from The Supreme Court

Partnership law

The review of Scottish Limited Partnerships – and a guide to what they are

Personal injury claims

How Simple is Simple Procedure?

Commercial Real Estate

Prepare or Repair - Schedules of Condition and dealing with a tenant's repairing obligation under commercial leases

Infrastructure & projects

Managing the power of a PM under nec 3 contracts without resorting to 'death by Z clause'

Making a Will

Legal Rights in Scotland – what are they?

Minerals & mining law

Can the law help smooth the way for a modern day Scottish gold rush?

Commercial Real Estate

Is the law on servitudes at sixes and sevens for property owners

Family law

Considering moving in with your partner? Top Tips on cohabitation in Scotland

Employment law for employers

Long-term sick leave – when can an employer dismiss an employee?

Employment law

ACAS Early Conciliation, time limits and employment tribunal claims – EC certificates

Surrogacy law in Scotland

Intellectual property & technology

How to write your organisation's Data Protection Policy – Top 10 tips

Family law

Family law: the changing role of fathers in residence and contact disputes

Dispute resolution

Court decision finds the key to unlock access rights to land in Scotland

The defence of Automatism in Road Traffic accident cases

Employment law for employers

Redundancy – suitable alternative employment and unreasonable refusal

Tini Owens and the differences between divorce law in Scotland and England

Seamus Coleman: Negligence, Reckless Play & club remedies for players injured on international duty

Commercial Real Estate

How to Appeal your New Rateable Value


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