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Legal insights & industry updates

The law never stands still, and the way it applies to you and your organisation is constantly evolving. Our people are on top of these developments and can keep you up to date with some of the most interesting aspects of these changes.

 Legal insights & industry updates


Public sector

Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016: does the Act apply to your organisation?

What to do when frustrating party litigants frustrate the court process

Employment law

Can covert recordings be used as evidence in Employment Tribunals?

Personal injury claims

Five figure settlement achieved for client who suffered serious leg injuries after fall

What rights do Grandparents have to have contact or access with their grandchildren in Scotland?

Planning, environment & climate

Planning (Scotland) Bill – Changes to Development Management

Wills, trusts & estates

Succession and estate planning – dealing with company shares in your will

Corporate and M&A

Succession and estate planning – is a Family Investment Company right for you?

Dispute resolution

Simple Procedure court cases: the cap on expenses

Divorce & separation

Your financial divorce – what you need to know about Minutes of Agreement

LBTT update: liability when moving SIPP properties & duty to submit updated LBTT returns on leases

Construction & engineering

The consequences of 'Concurrent Delay' in construction projects on either side of the Border


Using the new Model Private Residential Tenancy – how mandatory is it?

Planning, environment & climate

New Planning (Scotland) Bill will bring significant changes to development planning in Scotland

Family law

Contact with children after separation – what are your rights?

White (Christmas) noise: copyright and those Christmas tunes

Employment law

Can colour blindness amount to a disability for the purposes of the Equality Act?

When is a Homeowner not a Homeowner?

The importance of engaging in the court process in Scotland … and following court rules

Personal injury claims

Duty to recover company sick pay in compensation claim for personal injury

Commercial dispute resolution

Interim awards of expenses in litigation within the Scottish courts: case comment

Family law

A different approach to communication with children over family law court decisions

Construction & engineering

Development Leases - the role of the Client in terms of the CDM Regulations

Intellectual property & technology

Once dealt with, always decided? The importance of res judicata and the UK IPO in trade mark disputes


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