Legal insights & industry updates
The law never stands still, and the way it applies to you and your organisation is constantly evolving. Our people are on top of these developments and can keep you up to date with some of the most interesting aspects of these changes.

Energy & natural capital
Leading the way on sustainable procurement and the global climate emergency
The EU, AstraZeneca and the public disclosure of contract details
The Marine and Outdoor Tourism Restart Fund
Survivorship Destinations – what are they and how do they impact on my Will?
Will there be changes to employment law Post-Brexit? Watch this space
Family law
Child contact cases involving domestic abuse – the laws protecting children from harm
For heritable property, possession is not always nine tenths of the law
What happens if my tax return is submitted late?
Wills, trusts & estates
Can an Executor be removed from administering a Will?
Energy & natural capital
Energy Bulletin - Court rejects servitude of access for maintenance by prescription or of necessity
You may not be Kim or Kanye, but what are you entitled to in a divorce?
Energy & natural capital
Energy bulletin - A summary of the statutory access rights in Scotland
Winnie the Pooh Day - We can all learn from Winnie's Wisdom
Family law
How to choose the right family lawyer
Commercial dispute resolution
Supreme Court rules in favour of businesses in landmark Business Interruption Insurance test case
Why should I make a Living Will and what does it do?
Registers of Scotland consultation on making land register digital submissions system permanent
Intellectual property & technology
HM Intellectual Property Snapshot: Passing off and post-sale confusion – an update
It's not the destination that matters, but the journey
Power of attorney
Do you need a Power of Attorney or a Guardianship Order?
Employment law
Update: Self-isolation Requirements in Scotland
Will UK companies benefit from end of EU State Aid rules following Brexit?
Restrictive Covenants and Implied Duties in Employment Contracts
Family law