Legal insights & industry updates
The law never stands still, and the way it applies to you and your organisation is constantly evolving. Our people are on top of these developments and can keep you up to date with some of the most interesting aspects of these changes.

What should employers be aware of when engaging an apprentice in Scotland?
The sustainable future of housing in Scotland
Construction & engineering
New-build fire safety measures now in force
Family law
The breadwinner v the breadmaker – financial provision on divorce
Family law
Dealing with separation during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns
Family law
How do I change my child's surname?
Intellectual property & technology
HM Intellectual Property Snapshot: 3 ways to use intellectual property to help navigate the start of 2021
Climate solutions bring opportunity and tensions for rural Scotland
Employment law
Can ambitious Net Zero plans make Glasgow miles better by 2030?
Personal taxation
Leniency on UK residence rules for stranded taxpayers
Employment law for employers
Employment team at Harper Macleod secures landmark Covid-19 mask-wearing decision
Employment law
Breaking: Uber loses again as Supreme Court says its drivers are workers
Making a Will
A year on from the start of lockdown, should I write a Will?
Will the UK's inheritance tax rules be overhauled in 2021?
Wills, trusts & estates
How do I make sure my pet is looked after when I die?
Wills, trusts & estates
Know your Trustees from your Executors? A guide to legal jargon you might come across
Wills, trusts & estates
If I cohabit, what happens to my estate when I die?
Reduction: Further clarification as to the extent of the First-tier Tribunal Housing and Property Chamber's jurisdiction
The potential benefits of litigating IP disputes in Scotland
Employment law
Coronavirus - £500 self-isolation support expanded
Family mediation
Does mediation offer couples a better way to separate?
Lessons to learn from the EU AstraZeneca contract
Family law