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Introduction of Carer's Leave is a positive step



A Government consultation on the introduction of carer’s leave has closed with the Government indicating that they intend to introduce carers leave as a day one right for employees. Currently those who have caring responsibilities (not including for children who may benefit from parental leave) only potentially have a right to take a short period of time off during working hours for particular unforeseen circumstances under the right to time off for dependants. The proposal is to introduce a new leave right to one week of leave per year for unpaid carers. This will be welcomed by many, albeit there will likely be disappointment that the leave is to be unpaid. There is no time frame for the introduction of this right with the Government simply saying that it will be introduced when parliamentary time allows. 

When it is introduced, it will be a positive step towards supporting the many people in the UK (according to the consultation around five million people) who provide unpaid care by looking after an elderly or disabled family member, relative or friend. 

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