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Further support for Scotland's coastal communities



Launched in May 2022, the Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund (SMEEF) has been established to fund projects that are primarily aimed at the recovery, restoration and enhancement of the health of marine and coastal habitats and species.

The innovative approach to funding (which invites users from the private sector to voluntarily re-invest in the health and biodiversity of the sea), is managed by a steering group comprising NatureScot, Marine Scotland and Crown Estate Scotland.  The SMEEF will look to encourage a variety of marine businesses (including for example, those operating in aquaculture, renewable energy, and oil & gas) to donate, so that grants can then be allocated in pursuit of transforming the health of the country’s marine environment.   

The SMEEF is now actively calling for donations to the fund, and also expressions of interest for grants, and applicants can apply for funding between £10k and £100k.  Proposed donations to the fund will be assessed by an “Ethical Contributions Board”, to prevent any potential “greenwashing” or token gestures from companies that have a significant impact on the marine environment.  

For those interested in accessing the SMEEF (or any similar grant funding), it is important that they have have a full understanding of the conditions of any grant, and also consider whether any subsidy issues arise.  If you require any advice or assistance in respect of grant funding, please get in touch with our team.     

Similarly, the topic of working within Scotland’s marine economy, while protecting it for future generations, was the topic of our latest Marine Economy Week, and you can watch videos of our discussions here

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