Consumer rights disputes
The Consumer Rights act 2015, provides you with legal protection against faulty goods and services. Our consumer dispute solicitors can help guide you through the claims process.
Consumer law advice for faulty goods claims
Our Consumer Law team specialise in advising and representing clients across a broad spectrum of consumer disputes. Common issues that we advise upon include the application of distance selling regulations, a faulty product, unsatisfactory or negligent service, contract termination, cool down periods, hire purchase agreements, mis-selling and complaints to various ombudsmen.
Whatever the dispute our team will explain the key points of the issue and the best strategy in a clear, straightforward manner. We recognise that you not only need us to speak well for you but also to listen to you. Our team is committed to ensuring our clients obtain the best service and tailor our approach to the needs, priorities and goals of every individual client when it comes to consumer disputes. We will also keep you informed of the ongoing and predicted costs throughout the process so that you can make informed decisions as to the best way forward.
We recognise that many consumers can often feel overwhelmed and perceive there being an imbalance in power when in dispute with a large business. Our team balances the scales and strives to secure the best possible outcome for all our clients. We have a wealth of experience
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Senior Associate
Our team are highly experienced consumer rights solicitors with vast experience and a proven track record of success across a variety of courts. We have offices throughout Scotland with a team who can offer you expert legal advice and a strong network of firms across the globe so we will never be far away when you need us to resolve your consumer dispute.
Common questions about consumer rights
What are my rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015?
What are my consumer rights if an item is faulty?
How Can I Enforce My Consumer Rights?
What else does the Consumer Rights Act protect?
What are my rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015?
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 came into force in the UK from 1st October 2015 and updated and consolidated various consumer legislation. It offers protection to consumers in relation to the purchase of goods.
Most consumers are interested in their legal rights relating to the sale of goods, the provision of services, and the setting aside of unfair terms.
The Act requires that all goods sold must match the description provided, be fit for any purpose specified by the consumer and be of satisfactory quality.
Services are to be carried out with reasonable care and skill and completed within a reasonable time. Any contractual term imposed upon the consumer must be fair or it may be set aside by the courts.
What are my consumer rights if an item is faulty?
In terms of the Act, a consumer can have a right of a full refund, replacement or discount depending on the circumstances of the product or service mis-sold.
How Can I Enforce My Consumer Rights?
The first step is to obtain legal advice, from a consumer rights solicitor, as swiftly as possible. The business will need to be notified as to the consumer’s complaint about the product or service mis-sold as swiftly as possible. This is important as the remedies available to a consumer change depending on the passage of time.
Fortunately businesses are usually keen to resolve matters in a reasonable time in order to preserve their reputation in the market and our team will always attempt to resolve matters without resorting to court proceedings.
Unfortunately, litigation can be necessary on occasion and our team can advise you as to the most appropriate court to raise proceedings and the process that needs to be followed.
If the consumer is successful in their court action the court can order that the business pay the consumer a sum of money or replace a defective product or properly carry out a service that had been contracted for.
What else does the Consumer Rights Act protect?
The legislation also safeguards against unjust terms within contracts, such as concealed charges found in the fine print.
The Act emphasises the importance of reasonable care and skill, adherence to contract obligations, ensuring satisfactory quality of services, defining fixed fees, providing diverse payment options, and ensuring overall reasonable costs for all parties involved.
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